Samples of Fund Raising Letters

Fund raisings are one of the best ways to request donations and support to charity and is one of the earliest fund raisers. What you’ll do is simply write a letter to prospective supporters asking them to join and/or donate to help and support a worthy aid organization. Your only costs are paper and postage, if you do it by snail mail and practically almost nothing, if you do it through email.

Letters asking for donations and support work well with organizations that support a specific cause. For example, groups such as health advocacy, hunger or disaster relief, and public arts including museums and symphonies, all of these types of organization are easily identified by many people as contributing to the community and the world.

When you are planning to compose a fund raising letter to be sent to the people you know and you more ideas to do it, you can refer to the many samples of fund raising letters online. These online samples of fund raising letters are written in different styles, depending on your intention and fund raising activities.

From the many samples of fund raising letters you can find for free over the internet have some words or phrases that you can change to better suit the whole idea of your message. Whether you refer to samples of fund raising letters or make your own, make sure the letter you write is exceptional to you. Be yourself, speak from your heart, and people will respond.

Here is one of the samples of fund raising letters that you can refer to in writing for your own fund raising letter:

To Whom It May Concern:

On (date), thousands of women and men will come together in (place) and walk 60 miles through (route description). The Breast Cancer 3-Day is a weekend of hope, as we honor lives lost, celebrate survivors, promote breast cancer research, and help bring breast cancer care to those who desperately need it.

I have committed myself to walk and have agreed to raise a minimum of $ 2, 500 to help fight breast cancer. The net proceeds of the Breast Cancer 3-Days benefit (name of foundation/organization) to fund breast cancer research, education, screening, and treatment programs, as well as the National philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund, to provide donation for breast cancer programs.

In order to reach my goal, I am asking you for support in the form of monetary donation. I am a frequent customer of (company name) and would appreciate any support that you would be able to provide. In return for your generous gift, I am offering to wear the (company name) logo on my shirt during the event. The amount of exposure, potential press coverage, and advertising value that (company name, would receive will not go unnoticed. The event only attracts thousands of walkers, crew members, and volunteers, but thousands of spectators, as well.

Unfortunately, breast cancer has become an all too common occurrence among women and men throughout the world. Now is the time to take action to help end this disease. The more funds I raise, the sooner we can end this fight. For more information about Breast Cancer 3-Day can be found at or call 98000 996-3DAY, or I can be reached through (phone #). By supporting me in the Breast Cancer 3-Day, (company name) will ultimately help put an end to breast cancer.

Thank you for your support and consideration.
